Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Housekeeping

Sorry for no post yesterday. I was laid low with a vicious migraine. Never had one like this before and hope not to have another. But thank god for illegally imported paracetemol and codeine. It did the trick.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I am preparing to move, as the house where I am living is being sold. I am de-accessioning some of my possessions in order to make the move as simple as possible. I figured that if Eddie Ross can sell off his collections on Etsy, then so can I! Check the site frequently, since I am adding new things every day, including a collection of antique quilts from New Mexico and Tennessee. 11-7 004 I am still getting a lot of requests for the Turgot Plan de Paris, and people are having a problem printing it if they don’t have photo editing software. Because of this, I have uploaded PDF versions on 20 pages, so that you can print each page separately. Click here for the various versions. If you upload the map, please e-mail me and let me know. I’d also love to know what you do with the map.Turgot Plan DeParis I am heading to the Book Thing this afternoon with my new friend Christopher, and then down to Housewerks. Can’t wait to see what treasures I find.

Hope your weekend is great.

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