The baths had seven pools, all but one fed with ocean salt water of varying temperatures. The building was styled similar to a large conservatory with intricate iron framework and hundreds of thousands of panes of crystal glass.
Sutro was a populist and wanted his facility to be accessible to all. Entrance included use of a suit, locker and of the amenities on site. The building had 500
changing booths.

The decor was ornate Victorian with Grecian influences. The building held a large population of palm trees, ferns and other plants.
The baths also had a theater, multiple restaurants, automata displays, mummies and many other strange and exotic items on display.
The baths were a marvel at their time. Recreating them today would be a monumental and expensive

Find out more about the Sutro Baths at these websites.
Western Neighborhoods Project
1897 Edison Mfg. film of the baths
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